Divine Healing Support for a Loved One


Divine Healing Support for a Loved One


Send healing to a loved one

While receiving emotional and spiritual support for yourself


Starts August 14


"Your healing support made all the difference for my mom… thank you for everything." - Anonymous

Iyour (spouse, parent, sibling, child, etc.) experiences one or more of the following:

  • has been diagnosed with a medical condition

  • struggles with emotional issues

  • is undergoing medical treatment and you would like to support them with divine healing

  • struggles with side effects from medication

  • is experiencing fear, desperation, and other difficult emotions around being ill

    And if you:

  • are struggling with fear, sadness, or other emotions around your loved one's health condition

  • are feeling isolated and would benefit from group support with women going through a similar experience

  • would like to maintain your self-care while staying strong for your loved one and for others you care for

  • want to improve your relationship with your loved one while they are going through their healing journey


Then Devora's Divine Healing Support program is a next-step solution!



  • Four group sessions that meet over Zoom August 14, 21, 28 and Sept 4 at 1pm Eastern. If you have to miss a session, you will still receive the group healing energy. Depending on the size of the group, the meetings will be 60-90 minutes.

    ✨Personalized "hot seat" coaching with customized healing to help release energetic blocks for your loved one to accelerate their healing process, eliminate side effects of medical treatments, and strengthen the body's innate ability to self-heal.

    Customized healing for you as the proxy while you support your loved one.

    ✨Limited number of participants to maximize the value for each participant.

    The power of being seen and heard, reinforcing that you are not alone. You will benefit from the group's healing energy and the healing of each person.

  • WhatsApp community as a safe and supportive group environment in between sessions.

  • Recordings of group calls so you can catch up if you've missed one, or review, re-experience and reinforce the powerful moments.

  • Option to extend your participation into the next month.




Through her skills as a Medical Intuitive, Divine Energy Healing Facilitator, and Spiritual Life Coach, Devora will:

  • 💥Facilitate energetic healing directly from Divine Source on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels so your loved one can move through their healing journey with ease and grace

  • 💥Guide you to access inner peace and well-being, ease and flow as you support your loved one

  • 💥Create a healing space for all to experience shifts in energy

  • 💥Hold space for special custom healing for what is in your highest and best in the moment

  • 💥Answer questions and provide feedback to support you in a way that's aligned with you

  • 💥Guide the entire group so that the healing and coaching for each person will benefit all



The healing during the live sessions continues for all in between sessions for the full length of the program, even if you have to miss a session.

You may not feel or notice that you are receiving the healing. It is gentle yet effective. It does not depend on your religious or spiritual beliefs, can be used with any other medical or healing practices and won't interfere with those or over-process your system.




If you have questions about this program, send an email to: devoragila@gmail.com






DISCLAIMER: You are responsible for your own well being and the choices you make. Devora Gila Berkowitz cannot take responsibility for your decisions and choices. This information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH Devora Gila Berkowitz are not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.